Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pre-Marital Questions

1.  What is your definition of marriage?

2.  How were feelings of love, warmth, and tenderness shown in your home as you were growing up?  How would you like feelings of love, warmth, and tenderness shown to you in public and in your home?

3.  What fears and concerns do you have about marriage?

4.  List in writing ten specific indications as to why this is the time of your life to marry.  List in writing twelve specific reasons why you want to marry this person.

5.  Why are you coming to the church to be married, instead of just going to a justice of the peace?  Why is a church important?"

"Marriage does not demand perfection.  But it must be given priority.  It is an institution for sinners.  No one else need apply.  But it finds its finest flory when sinners see it as God's way of leading us through His ultimate curriculum of love and righteousness." - David Hubbard

"A Christian marriage is a total commitment of two people to the  person of Jesus Christ and to one another.  It is a commitment in which there is no holding back of anything.  Marriage is a pledge of mutual fidelity; it is a partnership of mutual subordination.  A Christian marriage is similar to a solvent, a freeing up of the man and woman to be themselves and become all that God intends for them to become.  Marriage is the refining process that God will use to have us develop into the man or woman He wants us to become.
"There is one phrase there that I would like to focus on; this phrase is "the refining process.'  Have you ever thought of your marriage as a refining process?  That God is going to allow certain events to happen in your life that will cause you to grow and develop into the man or woman He wants you to become?  What would happen if you were to have that attitude toward the events that occur within your marriage - that those events are something that God can use to cause you to grow deeper together and to cause each to grow more as an individual?... Marriage is a refining process.  An adequate concept of what marriage is about is the first foundation of marriage preparation."

6.  Is there any was in which there is a dependency and/or something unresolved between you and your parents?

7.  In what way will the type of courtship you have had (and experiences you have gone through together while dating) contribute to your marriage?

8.  How have your attitudes toward marriage been influences, and who influenced them?

9.  What is your definition of love?

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