Thursday, November 18, 2010

Philip Goldberg: Are Women Prejudiced Against Women?

For some reason this article costs $34 - but I want it!

Here is the intro:

"Woman," advised Aristotle, "may be said to be an inferior man."

Because he was a man, Aristotle was probably biased. But what do women themselves think? Do they, consciously or unconsciously, consider their own sex inferior? And if so, does this belief prejudice them against other women - that is, make them view women, simply because they are women, as less competent than men?

According to a study conducted by myself and my associates, the answer to both questions is Yes. Women do consider their own sex inferior. And even when the facts give no support to this belief, they will persist in downgrading the competence - in particular, the intellectual and professional competence - of their fellow females.

Over the years, psychologists and psychiatrists have shown that both sexes consistently value men more highly than women. Characteristics considered male are usually praised: those considered female are usually criticized. In 1957 A.C. Sheriffs and J.P. McKee noted that "women are regarded as guilty of snobbery and irrational and unpleasant emotionality." Consistent with this report, E.G. French and G.S. Lesser found in 1964 that "women who value intellectual attainment feel they must reject the woman's role" - intellectual accompishment apparently being considered, even among intellectual women, a masculine preserve."

Dying to read the rest of this.

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